In this gripping novel about the power of the past over the present, Le Marchand engagingly examines what it means to lead a good life and what is real and what is not. Memories, drama and the love of literature encroach on a teacher near retirement who is thrown off balance by a chance meeting with his first love. Philip is richly drawn, an observant man and good husband with an artistic eye and conscientious nature, but as he re-inhabits his younger life, he begins to identify too strongly with his fictional heroes and admire their extreme but destructive behaviour. Good people can do bad things when driven by fantasy and love. Jane, his former lover, is an ambiguous character, while his life with his wife Laura is unambiguously valuable. A very interesting read, with an unpredictable outcome, propelled by a love of drama and language.

Avid Reader - Amazon
So Much More the Man

This novel is like a box of chocolates, or so Forrest Gump would have said. It is all about life and the unexpected things that change us. It is profoundly moving and thought-provoking. Stephan Le Marchand decorates his narrative with allusions to A Streetcar Named Desire, Twelfth Night, The Great Gatsby, Brief Encounter and in particular Macbeth. Anyone who knows their literature will particularly enjoy this book but it has a compelling voice all its own and brought tears to my eyes.

Robin Price - Goodreads
So Much More the Man

Gripping and moving - couldn’t put it down! 

A brilliant read, fantastic and compelling descriptions and conversations throughout. A lovely writing style which entirely absorbs you in the story and takes you on a journey with the protagonist. Would highly recommend and can’t wait for his next book!

Oliver Greenhill - Waterstones
So Much More the Man